TEST TIME IS RESITRACTED. SO, BE CAREFUL. TOTAL TIME- 10:00 minutes only NO. OF QUESTIONS- 15 MINUS MARKING- No MODE OF TEST- online NUMBER OF YOUR FIRST ATTEMPTED CORRECT QUESTIONS WILL BE ON SCREEN AT THE END OF TEST TIME. _______________________________________________________________________________ सामान्य निर्देश-
सावधान, परीक्षण का समय समय सीमित है। कुल समय - 10:00 मिनट मात्र कुल प्रश्न - 15 माइनस मार्किंग- नहीं टेस्ट की प्रकृति- ऑनलाइन आपके पहले प्रयास में सही प्रश्नों की संख्या टेस्ट का समय समाप्त होने पर स्क्रीन पर दिखाया जायेगा.
Science Citation Index is published by
Thomson Reuters
SDI service is one form of
literature search service
reference service
referral service
current awareness service
Which services do not aid the user to keep abreast of developments in any specific subject field, but enable him to find solution to a particular problem?
Retrospective search services
Anticipatory search services
Current awareness services
SDI services
Indian Institute of Science is located at
New Delhi
SDI stands for
Subject Dissemination
Selective Documentation of Information
Selective Dissemination of Information
Specific Document of Information
Document Delivery Service is sometimes referred to as
SDI service
Literature search service
Back-up service
Abstracting service
IACs stands for
Indian Analysis Centres
Information Addition Centres
Information Analysis Centres
Indian Abstracting Centres
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre is an example of
Data analysis centre
Documentation centre
Reference centre
Referral centre
Right Pages and Science Direct is a type of
publication service
altering service
document delivery service
abstracting service
Which files comprise of a complete documentation of information available in journals, reports, conference papers and similar publications in the subject areas of projects?
Project specification
Project execution
Project information
Government project
Newspaper clipping service is a type of
responsive information service
anticipatory information service
on demand reference
retrospective information service
The National Translation Centre (USA) brings out
National Translation Index
World Transindex
Translations Register-Index
Index Translationum
Selection, evaluation, validation, standardization, summarisation, and synthesis of information are the processes for
information analysis
literature search
Zipf’s Law deals with
Law of book selection
Productivity of authors in terms of scientific papers
Frequency of occurrence of words in a text
Scattering of articles in a subject
The indexing and abstracting publication belong to the
tertiary publication group
primary publication group
reference publication group
secondary publication group
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